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Wonderlic SLE-Q Practice Test
Our free Wonderlic SLE-Q practice test helps you prepare and score high in the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam. This practice test contains 30 questions; you've 8 minutes to answer. You'll see your score and answers at the end of this test. Once you're ready, click on Start to begin the test.
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What is the average of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10?
Emily is 12 years old, and her brother, Jake, is twice her age. When Emily turns 50, how old will Jake be?
What is the next number in the series? 131, 118, 105, 92, 79, __?
AMIABLE – HOSTILE: These words have
Which of these is different?
Michael's age is 10 years and her sister is exactly twice as old as him. What will be the age of her sister when Michael turns 15.
Which three choices are needed to create the figure on the left? (Only pieces of the same color may overlap)
What will be the mirror image of the letter "M"?
If 5x + 3 = 23, what is the value of x?
TRANQUIL – PEACEFUL: These words have
What is the next number in the series: 2, 5, 11, 23, _ _ _?
If you start work at 9:00 AM and work for 7 hours, what time will you finish?
Which shape will come next?
If all roses are flowers and some flowers are red, then _ _ _ _.
If a product costs $100 and there is a 10% discount, what is the final price?
Richard invested $1000 at 10% per annum compound interest. How much amount he will receive after 2 years?
A store is having a sale where all items are 20% off. If an item costs $50, how much will it cost after the discount?
Which of the following numbers is the smallest?
VIVACIOUS – ANIMATED: These words have
What does the word Altruistic mean?
WATERMELON – SYMPHONY: These words have
HORIZON – MOUNTAIN: These words have
Which word goes with Sun as Wet goes with Rain?